The following conditions can be treated with vision therapy:
Convergence insufficiency: This eye coordination problem affects near vision. Children with this problem may have trouble completing homework, and can suffer from eyestrain, double vision, stress and headaches. Vision therapy helps improve vision as well as school performance and life enjoyment.
Oculomotor Dysfunction: Individuals with this condition have a difficulty with eye tracking. This can cause loss of place while reading, skipping words or lines when reading, and overall poor reading comprehension.
Visual Perceptual Dysfunction: This condition affects how the brain interprets what a person sees. This is often confused with Dyslexia which is primarily an auditory processing issue. People with this condition will confuse words they see and will reverse letters and numbers past when would be considered normal to do so.
Lazy eye (amblyopia): Vision therapy helps kids and adults with lazy eye by stimulating neural pathways between the weaker, neglected, underdeveloped eye and the brain. The goal is to correct the blurry vision and eye teaming issues that come from this condition.
Wandering eye or Crossed Eye (strabismus): This condition, where eyes “wander” away or "cross" from proper alignment, can occur due to weak muscle and nerve connections, and may have a genetic component. Vision therapy may be used in conjunction with corrective eyeglasses to treat the problem often eliminating the strabismus without the need of surgery.
Accommodative dysfunction: Some individuals have trouble focusing close up or at long distances, while others may have trouble switching focus from one distance to the other. Combining corrective lenses and vision therapy has proven beneficial for these patients.
Blurred vision (and other visual symptoms) from traumatic brain injury: People who have experienced head trauma or other neurological conditions often have associated difficulties with their vision. These problems can cause blurred vision, light sensitivity, headaches, and a general feeling of being overwhelmed in a busy visual environment. Vision therapy helps to retrain the brain and the eyes to elminate these often life-altering symptoms.